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- This is the name of the Sound Input Device currently in use.
- You can change the Sound Input Device in the ‘Monitor & Sound’ Control Panel.
- This is the icon representing the Sound Input Device currently in use.
- You can change the Sound Input Device in the ‘Monitor & Sound’ Control Panel.
- This is the Input Gain setting currently in use.
- Click to set a value of 1.0 (= no gain).
- The current Input Gain setting cannot be determined.
- Either your Mac does not support it [“(n/a)”] or it's automatically adjusted by the hardware because AGC is on [“(var)”].
- Select the Sound Input Source you want to use.
- Select the Sound Input Source you want to use.
- Currently disabled because a recording is in progress.
- Select the sample rate you want to record at.
- Use 44100 if you want to burn a CD.
- Select the sample rate you want to record at.
- Currently disabled because a recording is in progress.
- Select the sample size (bits per sample).
- Use 16 if you want to burn a CD.
- Select the sample size (bits per sample).
- Currently disabled because a recording is in progress.
- Choose if you want to record in mono or stereo.
- Use ‘Stereo’ if you want to burn a CD.
- Choose if you want to record in mono or stereo.
- Currently disabled because a recording is in progress.
- Set the Play-Thru level.
- Some Macintosh models only support an on/off setting here.
- Set the Recording Gain for the left channel/a mono recording.
- Some Macs allow for only a few discrete values.
- Disabled because this Mac doesn't support Input Gain setting or AGC is on.
- Disabled because this Mac doesn't support (Stereo-) Input Gain setting or AGC is on.
- Click to set left and right gain to same value always.
- Click to set individual gain levels for left and right channel.
- Click to turn on Automatic Gain Control, which automatically controls the input gain to provide maximum recording level.
- If you want to burn a CD, leave this off.
- Automatic Gain Control is not supported on this Macintosh.
- Click to turn off Automatic Gain Control.
- If you want to burn a CD, turn this off.
- Click to have the clipping indicator light up indefinitely when a clipping occurred.
- Click to have the clipping indicator light up for about a second when a clipping occurred.
- Click to turn off/reset the clipping indicator.
- Click to turn off/reset the clipping indicator.
- Disabled because ‘Hold Clipping Indicator’ is off.
- Click to hear a BEEP everytime a clipping occurs.
- Disabled because this Mac cannot play sounds while recording.
- Click to only visually indicate a clipping.
- Enter how many consecutive maximum samples are to be considered clipping.
- The default value is 3.
- Click to turn on Automatic Recording.
- Click to turn off Automatic Recording.
- Opens the Automatic Recording Settings dialog.
- Opens the Automatic Recording Settings dialog.
- Disabled because ‘Automatic Recording’ is off.
- Click to eliminate clicks at the beginning or end of a recording by searching zero crossings in the sample.
- Works independently for left and right channels.
- Click to exactly capture beginning and ending of recordings, accepting possible clicks.
- Shows the current destination folder for new recordings.
- Click to open the folder in the Finder.
- Choose the folder where new recordings should be placed.
- Choose the folder for new recordings.
- Currently disabled because recordings have already been made.
- Enter the Creator code for new sound files.
- Choose the Creator code of an existing file for use for newly created files in Coaster.
- Shows the length of the current recording.
- Shows the remaining time for recording on the disk.
- Displays the number of clippings that have occurred so far.
- Click to reset the counter.
- Click to start the recording.
- Click to stop a recording.
- Click to pause a recording.
- Click to immediately start recording into a new file, closing the old one.
- Turns off Automatic Recording automatically.
- Click to immediately start recording into a new file.
- Disabled because there is no recording in progress.
- Click to delete the most recent recording(s).
- Click to delete the most recent recording(s).
- Disabled because there aren't any recorded files yet.
- Click to name and save the most recent recording(s).
- Click to name and save the most recent recording(s).
- Disabled because there isn't any recording yet.
- Shows clipping on top, current input level in the middle and remaining headroom at the bottom.
- Click to reset headroom.
- Cmd-Click to display headroom as absolute levels.
- Enter the name you want to assign to your recording.
- In case of several files generated by e.g. Automatic Recording, this becomes the prefix and followed by the file number.
- Click to abort the naming.
- Click to save and name the file(s).
- When the signal drops below this level (for the time specified in ‘Postroll’), the ‘Silence Action’ is performed.
- When the signal drops below the level specified in ‘Threshold’ for this amount of time, the ‘Silence Action’ is performed.
- When the signal rises above this level, recording is automatically resumed.
- When resuming the recording, signal that lies this amount of time before the resume point is also recorded.
- Select this action to pause the recording when the Auto-Pause conditions are met.
- Select this action to pause the recording and create a new file for subsequent recording when the Auto-Pause conditions are met.
- Close the dialog and discard the changes made.
- Close the dialog and use the new values.
- Select the level display unit.
- Absolute: absolute sample value
- dB: level in dezibels
- %: level in percent of maximum
- Select the time display unit.
- ms: milliseconds
- Samples: number of samples
- Displays information about Coaster.
- Choose to create a new recording.
- Choose to create a new recording.
- Disabled because the Recording Window is already open or this Mac doesn't support (asynchronous) recording.
- Close the topmost window.
- Close the topmost window.
- Not available because there is no window open or it cannot be closed.
- Quit the application.
- Quit the application.
- Not available because a dialog is open.
- Displays an overview of the available Keyboard Shortcuts in Coaster Windows & Dialogs.
- Restores previously saved Recording Settings.
- Restores previously saved Recording Settings.
- Not available because the Recording Window is not open or a dialog is up.
- Saves the current Recording Settings in a file.
- Saves the current Recording Settings in a file.
- Not available because the Recording Window is not open or a dialog is up.